Coconut oil is used therapeutically in many countries and has been traditionally used in Ayurvedic medicine. Ayurvedic medicine is prevalent and practiced in India and other countries like Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and Nepal. About 94% of coconut oil is made of medium-chain fatty acids, of which 45-50% is lauric acid. Lauric acid has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects. Coconut oil also contains myristic acid, caprylic acid, and oleic acid. It also contains vitamin E, which is important in maintaining healthy hair and skin, and for hormonal balance.
Below, you will find which therapeutic properties of coconut oil are validated by scientific studies.
51 Reasons to Use Coconut Oil
1. Coconut oil can replace animal fats to lower cholesterol.
If you’re looking for a healthy fat alternative to butter, try coconut oil. A review of clinical trials showed that coconut oil users have lower total and LDL cholesterol than butter users. Lowering LDL cholesterol lowers the risk of plaque buildup in arteries.
2. Coconut oil promotes healthy weight loss.
Research has strongly validated that coconut oil aids in weight loss and healthy fat metabolism. In overweight humans, coconut oil reduced weight, fat mass, and abdominal fat. And the surprising thing about these fantastic results was that this was in comparison to olive oil, know to be a healthy source of unsaturated fat. So coconut oil might work even better than other healthy fats!
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3. Coconut oil prevents hypertension.
Hypertension is the disease of the modern age. Worry and mental tension increase adrenaline in the bloodstream, and this causes the pressure of the blood to rise. As the heart pumps the blood into the large arteries, the force creates pressure on the lining of blood vessels, resulting in high blood pressure. Luckily, coconut oil has been found to prevent an increase in blood pressure. Researchers think that the antioxidants in the oil are responsible for this and that a blood vessel-constricting enzyme, ACE, is inhibited.
4. Coconut oil supports the treatment of peptic ulcers.
Coconut oil has antibacterial properties and may prevent the development of peptic ulcers by killing the bacteria that commonly causes the distress - H. pylori. The fatty acids in coconut oil are responsible for killing these bacteria, and H. pylori appears to be unable to become resistant to the antibacterial effect.
5. Coconut Oil helps in the treatment of gastritis

Gastritis is an inflammation of the lining of the stomach. This condition may lead to complications like ulcers, if not treated in time. Constipation aggravates the condition. For the treatment of gastritis, you can add one spoon of coconut oil to a cup of carrot juice or soup, and take it twice a day. In gastritis, coconut oil has an anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial effect. It supports the stomach function.
6. Coconut Oil helps the immune system function.
Coconut oil is antifungal, antiviral and prevents all types of infection. To enhance the immune system, you can use coconut oil with turmeric in your daily meal.
7. Coconut oil helps to clean and whiten your teeth.
There is evidence that coconut oil can clean your teeth and prevent plaque buildup. Simply putting coconut oil in your mouth and swishing it around for a few minutes and then spitting it out (a process known as “oil pulling”) can kill damaging bacteria in your mouth. It is thought that the fat in coconut oil attracts and absorbs the lipid bilayer that coats bacteria and other microorganisms, and so the bacteria leaves the mouth when the oil is spat out.
8. Coconut oil nourishes and beautifies skin.
Coconut oil strengthens and protects your skin, giving it a more vibrant and youthful look. The oil, when applied topically to the skin, moisturizes, stimulates collagen production, speeds up wound healing, and raises skin antioxidants while reducing damage.
9. Coconut Oil increases energy expenditure and could help with chronic fatigue syndrome.
The medium-chain fatty acids in coconut oil are unique in that they are easily absorbed and utilized by the body. For example, they transport themselves into mitochondria (whereas other fats have to be transported by the amino acid carnitine), and they facilitate an increase in energy expenditure. Fats in coconut oil are also especially easily processed in the liver. Although research needs to be done on coconut oil’s effect on chronic fatigue syndrome, the internet is swarming with anecdotal reports of coconut oil being instrumental in alleviating chronic fatigue syndrome. Could be. Fingers crossed for research ahead!
10. Coconut oil feeds sex hormones.
Fats are necessary for the body to produce hormones like testosterone and estrogen. These hormones not only affect sex drive, but research continues to show that they affect nearly every facet of health from mood to cardiovascular health, even bone strength. So why not imbibe on a healthy plant fat like those in coconut oil, and stay trim and hormonally youthful?
11. Coconut oil might ease symptoms of arthritis.
Coconut oil is used in the ancient Indian medical system of Ayuveda and is combined with extract of Sida Cordifolia, coconut milk, and sesame oil to alleviate pain and tissue damage related to arthritis. The mixture is called Kerabala. Western science has verified that coconut oil has anti-inflammatory properties and, importantly, inhibits arthritis in mice. Researchers thought antioxidants in coconut oil were responsible for this effect.
12. Coconut oil kills candida.
Candida is a fungus that grows largely in the gastrointestinal tract and wreaks havoc on overall health, including interrupting nutrient absorption. This infection has become widespread in many societies, and it’s likely that you have already heard of it. There are many supplement forumulas in the market to defeat this nasty fungus, but good old fashioned coconut oil is verified to be an effective killer. Researchers were so confident about coconut oil’s efficacy in killing candida that they recommended that it “should be used in the treatment of fungal infections” - especially in infections of drug-resistant candida.
13. Coconut Oil probably fights diabetes and hyperglycemia.
A 2015 clinical review stated, “evidence is mounting” that coconut oil fights diabetes and insulin resistance. In diabetic mice, a mixture that contained coconut oil substantially reduced blood sugar levels.
14. Coconut oil can reduce plaque formation and plaque related to gingivitis.
Oil pulling with coconut oil was found to reduce plaque-related gingivitis. For this purpose it has to be used for at least two weeks.
15. Coconut oil might help prevent or fight Alzheimer’s disease and dementia.
Coconut oil has been found to prevent the formation of a marker of Alzheimer’s - misshapen proteins that form amyloid-beta plaque that kills neurons.
16. Coconut oil supplementation can enhance the quality of life among breast tumor patients.
As a testament to coconut oil’s varied and widespread benefits, it improved a multitude of health characteristics in breast tumor patients undergoing chemotherapy. These women felt better in nearly every conceivable way. Energy, sleep, appetite, and sexual enjoyment improved along with breast “functioning” and body image. At least from a general perspective, it looks like coconut oil can smooth out many rough edges.
17. Coconut oil can be used in burning wounds.
Coconut oil may be beneficial in wounds because it has anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory properties, and it can prevent infections. It is recommended that it is applied to wounds three times a day. It definitely speeds up wound healing, partially because it increases collagen synthesis.
18. Coconut oil can lower triglycerides and degrades fat.

As already stated, coconut oil can decrease body fat in numerous ways. It can also lower unhealthy levels of triglycerides in the blood. Replacing other fats in the diet, especially animal fats, with coconut oil will almost certainly address this cardiovascular disease risk factor.
19. Coconut oil can help prevent osteoporosis and bone loss.
As oxidative stress and free radicals are related to a higher risk of osteoporosis, studies show that the antioxidant properties of coconut oil can help prevent the disease. Recently in a study concerning rats, coconut oil consumption prevented bone loss caused by free radicals. The antioxidants in coconut oil kept the bones strong by counteracting the free radicals. And aging women with declining levels of estrogen have increased free radical activity. So women, eat coconut oil!
20. Coconut oil reduces development of testosterone-induced prostatic hyperplasia.
Coconut oil contains lauric acid, which researchers have identified in reducing the increased prostatic weight that occurs in prostatic hyperplasia. Attention, all aging men: eat coconut oil to keep the prostate compact and healthy. Life will be better, and you’ll be able to go to the bathroom more easily.
21. Coconut oil supports cognitive function.
Coconut oil supports cognitive function due to its antioxidant properties and may prevent its decline. This is especially visible when it is used in the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease and dementia.
22. Coconut oil may fight depression.
Recent studies are proving that coconut oil is important to attenuate effects of depression as it has medium-chain fatty acids and antioxidants. Antioxidants help curb mood-disrupting inflammation, and fats in coconut oil can nourish neuronal membranes for better transmission and healthy brain size. After all, the brain is made mostly of fat and studies have show a beneficial effect of coconut oil against depression.
23. Coconut oil can be used as a makeup remover.
For this purpose, you just need to use 2 tablespoons of coconut oil. The recipe is simple. Spread the oil over your eyelids and around your eyes. To remove the makeup, gently massage your face with the oil. Use a warm, wet washcloth to take off the excess coconut oil.
24. Coconut oil attenuates cognitive stress.
Coconut oil has amazing properties that can boost your energy, and its antioxidant properties can attenuate cognitive stress and aid in a return to a more calm state of being.
25. Coconut oil has anti-aging properties.
As well as the benefits of the oil to the skin, coconut oil has anti-aging properties because its antioxidants prevent the damage caused by free radicals in the skin. It can be used in aesthetic and well-being treatments.
26. Coconut oil might fight constipation.

Some practitioners think that the oil is very helpful in alleviating constipation. Perhaps future research will affirm many people's experiences that the oil gets their bowels working smoothly.
27. Coconut oil makes a pleasant face cream.
Here is a simple recipe for that: Mix 3 tablespoons of coconut oil with 2 tablespoon of honey and 3 drops of lavender essential oil. Mix the ingredients together. First, clean your face with warm water. Put the mixture on your skin and gently massage your skin with circular movements. Use a warm, wet washcloth to remove the excess coconut oil. Finally, clean your face with warm water.
28. Coconut oil can be used to make homemade deodorant.
Blend 1/2 tablespoon of baking soda and 1/2 tablespoon of arrowroot with coconut oil. Store and use as needed.
29. Coconut oil can help prevent protein loss in the hair.
Coconut oil has antioxidant properties that can prevent loss of protein in the hair and hair damage, as it attenuates the effects of free radicals.
30. Coconut oil can be used as sunscreen.
If you want to avoid toxic chemicals present in many sunscreens, coconut oil is a healthy alternative. It is, at least, an effective mild sunscreen. When tested, it blocks about 20% of UV rays from the sun. So if you’re going out in the sun for a bit in the afternoon, rub coconut oil into all areas of your skin that will be exposed to the sun. The oil with nourish and protect at the same time.
31. Coconut oil can be used as a deep conditioner for the hair.
Coconut oil moisturizes hair, nourishes hair proteins, and adds more antioxidants to your hair.
32. Coconut oil can help prevent cellulite.
To prevent and alleviate cellulite, you can consume coconut oil regularly or apply it locally to cellulite zones. It can help the body burn the accumulated fat naturally, as explained earlier.
33. Coconut oil can be used as a lip balm.
Similar to its powers as a moisturizer and sunscreen, you can massage your lips with coconut oil to prevent dry skin.
34. Coconut oil can be used as a body scrub

Combine ¼ cup of coffee grounds with 3 tablespoons of brown sugar and 3 tablespoons of melted coconut oil until it has the consistency of paste. It acts as an exfoliant, is invigorating, and nourishes the skin. Massage it into the areas where you need it most.
35. Coconut oil can be used as therapeutic massage oil.
According to Ayurveda, coconut oil has the ability to relax and balance, and it also helps the respiratory system and the maintenance of healthy skin.
36. Coconut oil can alleviate symptoms of psoriasis.
Coconut oil can treat dry skin, and it helps in the prevention of psoriasis flakes. A good alternative for psoriasis patients, it can be used on the scalp and in the skin.
37. Coconut oil helps adrenal fatigue patients.
Similarly to its actions on chronic fatigue syndrome, coconut oil can help in adrenal fatigue because it speeds up the metabolism and increases energy.
38. Coconut oil helps in the treatment of acne.
The cause of most acne is an infection in the openings of sebum glands, the glands on the skin that secrete oils. Bacteria clog these glands, and the resultant obstruction causes sebum secretion. The skin becomes red, puffy, and irritated. Coconut oil acts as an anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial in the treatment of acne. It has positive results in the treatment, prevention and symptoms of acne.
39. Coconut oil increases nutrient absorption.
Scientific studies are proving that coconut oil increases tissue uptake of tomato carotenoids, for example, to a greater degree than other oils. Due to it lipid profile and fatty acids, it actually makes digestion easier.
40. Coconut oil soothes breastfeeding moms.
Coconut oil is useful for breastfeeding moms when they want to soothe and repair cracked nipples. Easy to use, they just need to directly apply a small quantity of coconut oil on the nipple.
41. Coconut oil is effective in treating ear infections.
It’s a possibility that coconut oil could be used in aiding the recovery of ear infections because of its antibacterial properties. For that purpose, you can mix 1 drop of tea tree with 1 tablespoon of coconut oil, and gently put it in your ear. This antibacterial mixture is an option for treating ear infections.
42. Coconut oil can be used to prevent and treat bug bites.
Coconut oil is a good way to shoo the bugs away. You just need to apply the coconut oil before being exposed to the bugs. It also prevents inflammation if you put it in infected areas caused by mosquito bites.
43. Coconut oil can be used as lubricant.

The anti-fungal and antimicrobial properties of coconut oil make it a good option for use as a lubricant. As it is a natural ingredient. It doesn’t have any strange chemical constituent that can harm your body.
44. Coconut oil can be used as aftershave.
Coconut oil is useful to repair damaged skin tissue, and being an antioxidant, it prevents the damage of free radicals to the skin. When shaving with coconut oil, first put a little of warm water on your face. Then spread one drop of the oil on the face. With your razor, move softly over the hair in the direction of its growth. In the end, just wash your face with warm water again.
45. Coconut oil can be applied locally in cases of hemorrhoids.
Inflamed veins that form internally or externally on the anus cause hemorrhoids. This condition occurs when there is extreme pressure during bowel movements. Because of it antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, coconut oil is highly beneficial for this condition. It is used topically in the inflamed area.
46. Coconut oil helps relieve migraines.
Some say that coconut oil can alleviate migraines when consumed. Because of its brain-supporting properties, this could be true.
47. Coconut oil might alleviate inflammation in Crohn's Disease.
Crohn’s disease causes inflammation in an area of the intestinal tract. This process can be painful and often causes diarrhea. Many practitioners believe that coconut oil is beneficial in the treatment of Crohn's disease because it is anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and may play a role in the healing of the damaged intestinal wall.
48. Coconut oil can help reduce the risk of renal injury.
Coconut oil has been validated to prevent renal damage and might support kidney health. Researchers attribute this to the medium-chain fatty acids.
49. Coconut oil can attenuate effects of adult topic dermatitis.
Dermatitis occurs when the skin is dry and infected by Staphylococcus Aureus. A scientific study, in the Philippines, showed that coconut oil can help in the treatment of this condition.
50. Coconut oil protects against colon disease.
Recent studies say that a diet rich in good quality saturated fat is associated with lower colon disease risks. Such a diet rich creates better intestinal barrier integrity and increases colonic mucus.
51. You can create amazingly healthy recipes with coconut oil.
Now use your creativity to create amazing healthy recipes with coconut oil. Use coconut oil instead of other refined oils.
To sum it up, coconut oil has unique properties, and this makes it useful in an incredible variety of conditions and health situations. It is good to always have coconut oil at home and use it when necessary, or make it a regular part of your diet. The health benefits are remarkable.
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