Kidney Blog Posts

  In this toxic world, our kidneys play a big role in flushing out toxins from our bodies. Your kidneys are constantly cleaning your blood from all of the waste products that you eat or breathe in, as well as those that your body naturally generates.    Now more than ever, it’s important to keep your kidneys healthy so that...

Your kidneys do a lot of good for your body. One of their main duties is filtering toxins out of your blood. They help keep your body clean in this toxic world. They also regulate water and fluid balance, blood pressure, pH in your body, and the production of hormones.  But your kidneys might not be doing their job perfectly,...

When your kidneys are healthy and functioning optimally, they efficiently filter toxins and fluid out of your body. They should be like drains with no blockages, nothing stopping the water from moving through the pipes. But when the kidneys are weak, they aren’t as effective at flushing the toxins out of your blood. Stones will also be more likely to...

Your kidneys have many important functions in your body, including supporting water and fluid balance, blood pressure regulation, waste elimination, and filtration. Filtering out waste products that are often toxic is one of the main duties of the kidneys. Considering our increased modern day exposure to pollutants in our air, water, and food, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that...

The kidneys have many important functions which include detoxifying your body and helping it maintain balance in a variety of ways. For instance, kidneys remove waste from the blood and divert it into urine for excretion. They balance the levels of electrolytes in your blood and keep the acid-base balance of your blood. In short, the kidneys are critical to...
