Some days I can’t even get out of bed sleeping 14 - 16 hours a day.
And my fevers were as high as 105 degrees!
I thought some days I was going to die.
The worst part?
Doctors have accused me of this condition being psychosomatic… that’s just a nice way of saying it was all in my head.
What the hell.
I was so scared… I didn’t know what to do… so I did what any 20 year does...
Called my mom back home.
After the flight back home...
My mom took me to see a new doctor…
After a 2-hour examination, he knew something wasn’t right.
He did a variety of different blood and stool sample tests...
A month later I got the results.
The tests came in… confirming his suspicions...
I was suffering serious Candida Overgrowth.
My doctor explained that when my immune system is compromised candida can multiply unchecked…
This triggers a vicious cycle of symptoms and serious health problems.
I didn’t know what he was talking about.
So I went to the local library and did some searching online.
And what I found was, that I wasn’t alone…”
This was a story of a girl named Sara.
Although you may not be suffering the terrible symptoms Sara has…
If you’re reading this you may have a suspicion that something is not quite right.
And in a minute I’ll show you 3 tests you can take right now to see if Candida is imbalanced in your system…
Most Americans don’t realize these symptoms can be misdiagnosed very easily...
Some experts estimate that as much as 80% of the American population is suffering from mild to severe Candida-related illness.
This illness is a silent epidemic that’s wreaking havoc on a startling percentage of the American population…
Christine Winderlin, who (with the late Keith Sehnert, MD) coauthored Candida-Related Complex: What Your Doctor Might Be Missing, estimates that 80 to 90 percent of Candida-related-illness sufferers are women of childbearing age.
Hi, my name is Dr. Donna Schwontkowski.
I’ve been researching natural ways to stop the overgrowth of this pervasive fungus throughout the body.
Normally, Candida doesn’t cause any problems because it’s balanced against other things in your body like probiotics (good bacteria).
But because of a number of different reasons that I’ll show you in just a second, candida can grow and multiply faster, causing an imbalance throughout the body.
I’m sharing my latest discoveries with you here in the hopes that you’ll take steps to help your body fight back against candida overgrowth without the need for prescriptions and the harsh side effects that come with them.
So before I get to the reason I believe candida is becoming more and more prevalent in the American people...
Let me give you 2 tests you can take right now (and one more at the end of this later that you can take tomorrow morning before you brush your teeth) to see if you’re symptoms need further investigation.
Now, you should always consult your doctor. But this is a good indicator if you need to go and get further testing for Candida Overgrowth.