The easy way to “trick” your body into creating more “cellular engines” that give you more energy and help flush out fatigue (and no, it’s not drinking coffee or caffeinated drinks!)
How to strike the perfect balance between not getting enough exercise, and getting to much, and why either extreme will wreck your adrenals.
Doing this every day helps release your body’s own anti-anxiety and anti-stress chemical, and you won’t believe how easy it is to make it a part of your day!
What to eat (and what to avoid) to “jump-start” your adrenal glands AND help you lose weight! A win-win!
Which natural herbs can help support healthy adrenals and help you feel more active and boost your energy.
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“Our adrenals play a huge role in determining how we feel. Our mood, energy, and sleep depend on their health. Because of chronic stress and unhealthy lifestyles, many people's adrenals are unbalanced, which can leave them feeling chronically fatigued, sleep-deprived, and depressed. But using the right lifestyle habits and natural remedies, which are in this eBook, you can regain adrenal health and experience youthful energy and deep sleep once again.
Evan Burns - (MSc Nutrition), Lead Researcher at Nutracraft