Best Carbohydrates for Diabetes

Diabetes is a lifestyle disease. According to WHO, The number of people with diabetes has risen from 108 million in 1980 to 422 million in 20141.

This can be treated and its consequences avoided or delayed with diet, physical activity, medication and regular screening and treatment for complications1.

Let us focus on the diet part of managing diabetes. Maintaining a healthy diet can be tricky, especially when it comes with carbohydrates intake. The main source of carbohydrates comes with sugars, and sugars are something diabetics need to watch out. With this, it is essential that you know how to count your carbs.  This list can be your cheat sheet for safely including carbs on your diet.

Eat These In Abundance

  • Vegetables that grow above the ground such as green leafy veggies, broccoli, cauliflower, cucumber, tomato, etc.

Exclusive Bonus! Download the FREE report ‘19 Ways to Naturally Balance your Blood Sugar Levels (Even If You LOVE Carbs)’ by clicking here.

Eat These In Moderation

  • Vegetables like carrots, beets. pumpkin, celeriac, and turnip
  • Beans and Legumes like lentils, mung beans, northern beans [6-7g carbs per 1/4 cup]
  • Fruit like berries, strawberries, blueberries


  • Grains - exclude grains for best result
  • Starches - potatoes, sweet potato, corn

Knowing what to eat and how much we can eat makes a difference in maintaining and managing your optimum health. 

Evan Burns

MSC in Nutrition

Evan Burns

MSC in Nutrition

Evan has years of experience researching and writing about the health effects of food and nutritional supplements.

He is especially passionate about nutritional pharmacology and the bioavailability, efficacy, and actions of supplements. He wants to spread knowledge about how effective diet and supplements can be at treating ailments and promoting well-being.

There’s a disturbing trend happening that’s affecting the way we eat. These days, foods are being prepared and packaged based on flavor and convenience, not on nutrition -- so they’re loaded with carbs, fats and sugar.

Continuing to inundate your body with cheap, filling fare can have a devastating effect on your blood sugar levels. Over time, this can cause your body to become insulin-resistant, which can lead to severe health problems.

The good news is that there’s a way to not only re-balance your blood sugar, but support your body by helping it to absorb less sugar from the foods you eat. Click here to learn more...
